Sunday, February 27, 2011



If he went to the soccer field and spent two hours playing there without becoming bored, then why would he become bored from hearing the Qur’an for five minutes? The difference between a short prayer and a long prayer is simply five minutes, so why does he become bored from these five minutes of Qur’an, yet he does not become bored from two hours of soccer? Why does he not get bored from standing for two hours staring at an inflated piece of leather, his heart attached to it?
Because, what stands up to pray is the heart, and what stands up for sports are simply the body and muscles.”
[‘at-Tarbiyah al-Jihadiyyah wal-Bina"; 1/220]

sumber sini ye ^.^

lately nie rasa macam nak jadi monster lepas tu telan diri sendiri hidup2!!!

salam 'alaik~

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